Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Chapter 1 Repay No Evil

I apologize for the delay - it has been a very busy week! I hope to have the second Chapter 1 in the next few days but forgive me if I don't :)

Ashley Parks’ feet hit the pavement. One foot in front of the other. Steadily moving forward. Her chestnut brown hair pulled back into a ponytail, the bottom of the tail swishing at her neck. She wiped the sweat off her forehead. It was a warm day for spring and it made Ashley long for the warmth of summer. It had been a mild winter for Virginia and for that Ashley had been grateful.
“Mama! Mama!” The screams came out of nowhere.
Ashley stopped mid-run and looked around. The neighborhood was quite. Large brick homes dotted the landscape to her left. To her right were trees waiting to be cut down and developed but no small children.
Breathing heavily, Ashley turned in circles to scan the area but came up empty. No screaming children anywhere. After a few more circles Ashley resumed her run. She ran by houses with brick fronts and houses with siding fronts. Some houses had porches and some did not. While the houses were not completely uniform Ashley knew they all came from the same builder therefore every third or fourth house was the same with a few minor exceptions.
Ashley had been in and around the neighborhood three times already. She felt most comfortable running close to home but needed the work out only five miles could give her. It was still growing on her. The idea that a suburb was now her home. The idea that she had moved from Maryland to Virginia and was living in a house, a real house. Currently it was by herself but she hoped that soon she would get to add a few more family members.
“Mama! Mama, help! Help Mama!”
Ashley stopped short.
The screams seemed so real but yet somehow they were only coming from her head. She scanned the area again. This time there were only houses, no trees but still no people. Where was everybody anyway? Ashley checked her watch. It was approaching mid-morning, the stay-at-home moms should have been out in their yards by now but yet there was no one.
Scanning the area and still finding nothing Ashley continued with her run. It had to be in her head. It had to be a reminder of the past. Though her son had not been old enough to talk when he died he still screamed for help in her dreams. Maybe her nightmares were haunting her during the day.
For once she was trying to find a way to move on with her life. Was it possible that she was wrong? Should she not try to leave Donnie and Aidan in the past? It has been twelve years since her husband and son were murdered on their front lawn. It had been six months since Ashley had decided to move on with her life and to move on with another man.
Nate Zimmerman was nothing like Donnie Parks. While they were almost equal in height at six feet the similarities ended there. Donnie had been an IT guy into computers and the internet and making money in business. He was low-key and mild-mannered. His blonde hair had begun receding at an early age but it hadn’t bothered Ashley. It had given Donnie a more mature look.
On the other hand, Nate looked more like a football player with broad shoulders, thick arms and muscular legs. His brown hair was thick and always well groomed. Ashley knew Nate kept it cut short because it would curl if it grew too long. His blue eyes were inviting but could also be cold when he was on a serious case. Nate was a Special Agent for the FBI and it had only been six months since she had seen how cold those eyes could be.
“Help Mama! Mama!”
No, she couldn’t be imaging things. She had heard something. And it didn’t sound like Aidan. No, this voice was older.
Breathless, Ashley paused her running again and leaned over with her hands on her knees. She took deep, slow breaths to force herself not to pant. In, out. In, out. With her breathing under control Ashley stood to look around again.
Expecting nothing she was surprised to see a small boy sitting across the street from where she stood. But he didn’t appear distressed. Instead he sat on the front porch of what Ashley assumed to be his home. He wore a red baseball cap with nothing written across the front. A matching red long-sleeved tee read “Cardinals” across the front. It looked like a baseball tee. His gray sweatpants were covered in mud mostly around the knees. His white socks were also covered in mud. He wore no shoes. Ashley couldn’t see his face.
“It’s all in my head,” Ashley whispered to herself. She was once again projecting her past on to real life situations. This boy was fine.
But when he looked up Ashley wasn’t so sure he was fine after all.
Tears streaked down his face forming tracks in the mud that was caked there. Had the boy bathed in mud?
Ashley considered continuing her jog home but thought better of it. Maybe this little boy was calling her. Seemed strange but stranger things had happened. Ashley walked across the street and approached the boy slowly. While most homes in the area had fences in the back almost none of them had any in the front. Ashley easily walked up the driveway to a large house similar to hers except this one had a brick front and the front porch extended from the garage, around the front and partway down the back. The boy sat on the top porch step.
“Hey, buddy, you okay?”
The boy looked up at Ashley and now she could see his very large brown eyes. They widened as he looked at her but he said nothing. He was a cute kid, probably around six or seven. He had a small nose and ears that were a little large for his head. Small, brown tufts stuck out from under his ball cap.
“I saw you sitting here and I thought I would come and say hi. I just moved into the neighborhood and I haven’t really made any friends.”
Still no response. The boy looked back down at the ground.
“Are you okay? You seem sad.” As Ashley knelt down to get at his eye level the front door opened. A woman not much shorter then Ashley stepped through the door. Her brown hair was cut in a bob to just below her chin. Blonde streaks were layered with red and Ashley knew it was a professional job. Her nails were also recently manicured. She wore a swing top and jeans and the outfit had a very slimming effect. Her blue eyes registered shock at the sight of Ashley on her front lawn.
“Can I help you?” The woman asked revealing perfectly white teeth though slightly crooked in the front.
“I’m sorry, I was jogging and came over to introduce myself,” Ashley said. The shocked look turned to disbelief and confusion. “I’m sorry; I’m new to the neighborhood. Just moved in around the corner. This little guy looked sad so I came over to check on him.” Ashley flashed her widest smile hoping to prove her sincerity.
The woman looked down at the boy. “Drew, why don’t you go inside and find your sister. I’ll be in shortly.” Drew glanced up at Ashley, then back at the ground before slowly standing and walking towards the house. The woman placed her hands on Drew’s shoulders and directed him inside. Ashley expected the woman to follow Drew inside but instead she shut the front door and stepped closer to Ashley.
“I don’t know who you are or why you are here but we have been through enough and we don’t need strangers snooping around.”
“I’m…I’m sorry, what?”
“I assume you are a reporter.”
“No. No, I’m actually a Forensic Psychologist…”
“And you’re here to get information out of Drew?” The woman’s voice as accusatory. Ashley took a slow, deep breath and prayed for guidance. Though she’d only been praying for a few months it was becoming more natural in all situations.
“No, I’m not here for information. I was running across the street and I thought I heard someone calling me. When I stopped I saw the boy, um Drew, and I came over to talk to him. In my practice I work with children so it seemed natural to come and talk with him. Is he okay?”
The woman sighed then looked Ashley up and down as if to determine whether or not she was telling the truth. Finally she must have believed Ashley because she said, “His mother was murdered here six months ago. I’m a friend of the family. I’ve been helping out when I can. We get reporters calling all the time. Some have tried to be friendly to get information.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know that. My name is Ashley Parks and really, I just moved in around the corner. Off of Lariet Lane.”
“I’m sorry to be rude. I’m Ellie Johnson.” Ellie extended her hand and Ashley reached out to shake it.
“It’s fine. I completely understand. Is Drew okay?”
“He and his sister Laney were here the night of the murder. We think one of them may have seen the murderer but so far they haven’t said anything. In fact, Drew hasn’t spoken a word since the night of the murder.”
“Would you let me talk with him?”
Ellie again looked at Ashley slowly. Not that Ashley could blame her. She would’ve become suspicious in her situation as well.
Ashley continued, “I’m a Forensic Psychologist which means I interview children for the courts…”
“Not serial killers?”
Ashley smiled. “I get that a lot. No, I work solely with children; child witnesses, abuse victims and in custody cases. I may be able to help.”
“Really? I have been praying for someone to help for months. A maniac is on the loose. Who knows when he may strike again?”
“Why would you say that?”
“The brutality of the murder. I just can’t believe that this is the only time this man has murdered.” Ellie shrugged and Ashley let the comment go but she would certainly be following up with Nate.
“Then maybe I’m the answer to your prayers.” Maybe it wasn’t Drew that called her. Maybe it was God getting her attention. And if that were the case then Ellie just might be right. Ashley could only pray she could be of help before any more women lost their lives.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Are You Ready For More?

Since I have actually acheived my goal from the beginning of the year I figured I should keep write on going. BUT I have two novels in mind (I have more then that but I'm debating between a particular two right now) so the fun part is that you, the readers get to choose!

1. The second novel in the Ashley Parks series: Repay No Evil


2. A completely different and unrelated novel.

That's all the detail you're getting right now. I'm including the prologue for Repay No Evil right now (some of you may have read this one but read again - it's going to be completely re-written) and I will include the first chapter later - hopefully tomorrow.

Then I will post the first chapter of the second novel and everyone can choose. I can't promise how quickly I'll get stuff up because I do HAVE to work on the completed novel to actually make attempts at publication but with the big kids in school and the babies napping I have a little more time so I will do my best (with your encouragement and occasional kick in the pants!)

Prologue: Repay No Evil

He was on top of her. Suffocating her. She couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe. Who was he? How did he get in? What did he want?
The children! No, she didn’t hear any noise.
He pulled the pillow away from her face long enough for her to catch her breath. She could feel a burning in her arm. His knife had nicked her. He moved himself to the edge of the bed next to her. She could only see the silhouette of him in the darkness. For a moment that seemed like eternity the man didn’t move. He just stood there as though he needed to gather himself.
Thoughts raced through her mind. She had to get away. She knew if she didn’t this man would kill her. He laid his knife on the nightstand next to her. If she could get to it she might have a chance. She inched towards the knife but immediately the man was back on top of her preventing her escape. His gloved hands wrapped around her neck and squeezed. The bulk of his body rested on her abdomen. No air was getting in. Stars danced in front of her eyes and she feared it would be over. She kicked her legs in an attempt to push him away but the man only clamped down tighter.
Oh, God, how could this be happening? Her thoughts screamed in her head. Two small children lay just down the hall. They needed their mom. She squirmed her right arm out from under the man’s legs and began to claw at his face. His hands let go of her neck to grab her free arm. She gasped for a small amount of air.
He held her arm fast with his left hand and kneeled over her. With his right hand he unzipped his pants; the sound of the zipper made her want to vomit. This couldn’t be happening. She strained against him. It felt like her insides were being ripped out. Maybe this was all he wanted. Maybe then he would leave.
But he didn’t leave. He stood next to her, looking at her. He retrieved the knife from the nightstand and waved it in front of him. The moonlight reflected off of the steel but still she couldn’t make out his face. Something was familiar about him but she couldn’t figure out what.
“My husband will find you,” she said softly, the words grating on her raw throat. “Leave me alone now and I’ll make sure he doesn’t kill you.”
The man scoffed and slapped her across the face. Blood seeped into her mouth. She moved her hand to wipe it away. As she lifted her arm he drove the knife deep into her abdomen. He ripped it out again. The nausea that had threatened to surface came out onto the bed. The taste of blood and vomit mingled in her mouth. Pain shot through her body.
He attacked again from behind, driving the knife into her back while holding her shoulder with his hand. She arched back and screamed. He drew the knife out and she felt the blood gushing. She turned to fight him but was too weak to hold herself up.
As quickly as the man came he was gone.
She was still alive though just barely. The phone. It was just next to her on the nightstand. She forced herself to roll over towards the nightstand but she was too close to the side of the bed and fell off with a thud.
She froze.
Had he heard her? Would he come back? Couldn’t think about that. She had to reach the phone. But could she move?
She reached up to the nightstand with her right hand, her left arm holding the wound in her abdomen to try and stop the flow of blood. Touching the phone with her fingertips she knocked it off the nightstand and onto the floor.
“9-1-1. What is your emergency?” A woman’s voice answered her call.
“A man…stabbed me…at home…children here.” Slowly the words came out. So few words; so much she wanted to say.
“Ma’am, where are you?” The woman’s tone now matched her urgency.
“I’m dispatching paramedics and police now. Stay with me, ma’am. Help is on the way.”
“Love my kids…Love my husband.” The phone slipped from her hand and her head fell to the floor. She couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe. “Oh, God…take me home. Save Wes…and the kids. I love them.”
They were Amy Donovan’s last words.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Final Chapter! (Chapter 51)

Notice - this is the 2nd post for today please read Chapter 50 first!!

***** While this is the last chapter in this novel please check back later this week for some more stuff :) Not related to this novel but you will get a chance to vote on the next one! Thank you for sticking with me for the past 8 months while I completed the novel and for spurring me on to finish. Hopefully the next one will go faster *****

Two Weeks Later
“I think they’ll be okay,” Ashley said as Nate opened the door to his house.
“I hope so. Their aunt and uncle seemed a bit overwhelmed at the prospect of taking on nine-year old twins but I think they’ll do well,” Nate said.
“I wish I could keep them.” Ashley had had the chance to spend many hours with both Kyle and Kayla since their rescue two weeks previous. The two of them together were a joy to be around even after their traumatic events. It seems together they are unshakable. Julia had been sent to live with her grandmother who happily retained custody while her father worked with the police. It turned out that Julia’s father, Collin Lambert, had changed his mind about his part in the scheme and had been very happy to share what he knew in exchange for a lighter sentence.
Michael Fleming was being held without bond for his part in the human trafficking ring. Nate had shared that Daisy Brandt’s father wasn’t actually her father after all. Instead a man named Lawton Rawlings had decided to kidnap and sell young white girls in the sex market in Thailand. And that’s where Ashley would’ve been if she hadn’t gotten away from Geoffrey when she did.
Fortunately Geoffrey wasn’t permanently injured from Ashley’s actions but he was placed under arrest as soon as Nate and the SWAT team boarded the boat. Both Geoffrey and Todd were paid employees of Lawton Rawlings. Both would now be sharing time behind bars with him.
“What about Lizzie Andrews?” Ashley said as she stepped into Nate’s living room. She had spent the past two weeks at a hotel but most of her days she shared with Nate. Ashley was beginning to think that his feelings for her were going to be reciprocated. But it was too soon to think about love. She was still recovering from her three days locked up with so little food or water. Since then she’d eaten three salads a day and lots of grilled chicken. She’d even allowed herself a small amount of chocolate.
“She’s been returned to her mother and I think they’re doing well. Of everybody she certainly had it the easiest.”
Ashley nodded her agreement. Lizzie had not been put on the boat with Ashley and the other girls. Instead she had been delivered to her father who wanted to obtain custody of her instead of her mother. While Lizzie’s kidnapping was horrible, Beth Andrews was now a state witness against Geoffrey and Todd, the two who took Lizzie and brutalized Beth. Ashley prayed for healing for that entire family.
Ashley walked through Nate’s living room to the white-on-white kitchen for a drink of water. She stopped short when she noticed something on the counter. “Nate, what is that?”
“What is what?” Nate stepped up behind her.
“It’s a rose. Did you send me a rose?”
“Nate, what’s today? What’s today?” Ashley tried to calm her shaking hands but they would not listen.
“It’s November 17th, why?”
“The 17th. Nate, it’s the 17th.” Ashley peeled her eyes away from the flower and towards Nate whose face was still blank. But then it changed and she could see the significance registering.
Nate quickly scooped up the rose and searched for something. “Does he send a card?”
“Usually but I don’t see one.” Ashley looked at the floor and noticed a small envelope sticking out between the refrigerator and the counter. “There. Nate you get it.”
Nate leaned down and pulled out the small envelope. It was addressed, “Ashley”. Nate slid his finger under the seal and pulled out the note inside.
“What does it say?” Not that she really wanted to know but maybe, just maybe it wasn’t from Jimmy.
“You don’t need to know.”
“Yes, I do. You have to tell me,” Ashley said.
“It says, ‘To my dearest, Ashley, I am sorry for your ordeal last month. I am glad to see that you have survived. I just wanted to stop by and share the good news; I have been released from prison. Isn’t that wonderful? It seems your friend Michael Fleming had a soft spot for me and put in a good word. Of course I haven’t forgotten you. I hope you enjoy your rose and you remember our special day. Remember, Ashley I am always watching. Love, Jimmy.’”
“No, this can’t be possible. He can’t be free. Nate, he murdered my husband and son. How could he be out? It’s only been eleven years! He was supposed to be in there for life.” Ashley shrank back into the cabinet as though the rose were a snake about to bite her. This couldn’t be happening. She had just survived something horrible. How could this be happening?
“I’ll look into it Ashley. Please don’t worry about it. He’s just trying to scare you.” Nate stepped towards her and wrapped his arms around her. She let herself rest on his shoulder taking in his strength. “Maybe it’s not him. The other notes weren’t.”
“No, today is the 17th. I know it’s him. Somehow he got in here and left this for me knowing I would find it today. Knowing I would be here.”
“I know, I know.” Nate rested his chin on Ashley’s head and stroked her hair. His comfort gave her strength. “You survived against all odds on that yacht, I know you can handle this but you don’t have to do it alone. I’m here for you. You know the Lord now and He will never leave you. And you have Kyle and Kayla. They love you. They want a relationship with you. It’s like the Lord is giving you your family back. Don’t let some mad man take it away.”
Ashley didn’t say anything. Instead she held tightly to Nate and allowed him to love her and protect her. He was right. The Lord had given her back everything she had lost so many years ago. So for today she would be grateful for what she had been given and worry about tomorrow another day.

Chapter 50

Ashley reached the edge of the boat and peered over. They had made it undetected thus far. Ashley continued to pray as she led Kayla and Julia to the edge of the boat. The very back of the boat was level with the water which was their saving grace. Julia and Kayla could lower themselves into the water without fear of making a splash and alerting their captors.
Something moved in the water and Ashley jumped back. A head covered in scuba gear came up from the surface of the water. “Who are you?”
“Ma’am I’m Special Agent Chris Johnson and I’m here to bring you in.”
“Who are you working for?” Ashley said holding her hands out to keep Julia and Kayla from moving any closer to the water.
“Ma’am, I’m working with Special Agent Nate Zimmerman and SA Eric Walker.”
“Do you have ID?” Amazingly the scuba diver held up a badge for Ashley to see. Looking closely she recognized the badge, it was similar to Nate’s. “Fine. You can have the girls but I need to find Kyle.”
“No, ma’am we need to take you in as well.”
“You are not taking me in without Kyle.”
“I’m sorry, who?” Chris said.
“My brother!” Kayla yelled.
“Ssh, sshh sweetie, I will find him. You let me look and you go with this agent. He will take you to Mr. Nate. Remember how I told you Mr. Nate has been looking for you?”
Kayla nodded.
“Come on, Kayla, let me take you to shore.” Chris Johnson held out his arms for Kayla to move into. After a moment’s hesitation Kayla stepped into the water. Julia followed and both of them tread water next to Chris. Ashley made no move to follow them in. “Ma’am you need to come with us.”
“I can’t, I have to look for Kyle. I can’t leave without him. Take these girls to shore and come back. If I find him I’ll bring him to you.” Ashley turned away from the edge without another word.

A big commotion caught Nate’s attention by the shore. “What’s going on?” Nate asked Eric. Eric shook his head and shrugged. He was on the phone with the negotiator who had yet to show up. Supposedly she was caught in traffic.
Nate jogged over to the water’s edge to find out what the big deal was about. “We’ve got the girls.” It was Special Agent Chris Johnson.
“All of them?” Nate smiled and looked around. He saw two small girls wrapped in thick blankets, their hair soaking wet and clinging to their faces but he didn’t see Ashley. “Where’s Ashley Parks?”
“She refused to come with me,” Chris said.
“What do you mean refused?”
“She said she had to look for Kyle.”
“Kyle’s on the yacht?” Nate looked from Chris to the small girls shivering beside him. Nate recognized them as Julia and Kayla. While he was relieved to see these young girls healthy and well he couldn’t help but wonder about Ashley. Nate repeated his question.
“I…I think so,” Kayla said. “I heard the men talking about him and it sounded like he was on the boat.” The girl broke down in tears.
“It’s okay. We’ll find him.” Nate looked from Kayla to the yacht. From where he stood he could see Todd in the driver’s seat of the boat but he couldn’t see Geoffrey. Without two of their human shields Ashley was in even more danger. Nate hoped she knew what she was doing.

Ashley heard footsteps behind her. She ducked behind the curtain next to the sliding glass door in the sunroom of the yacht. The footsteps moved heavier on the hardwood floor.
Ashley held her breath.
“Ashley, I’m coming for you girl.”
Did he know she was there? Had he seen her step away from the back of the yacht? Oh God, please let me find Kyle before Geoffrey finds me.
The room was silent again. She let herself breathe but did she dare move? She waited for what felt like an eternity before moving the curtain away from her face to peer out into the room.
It was empty. Forcing herself to take slow breaths she stepped out into the room holding on to the leather bench. Hearing footsteps again she was forced back behind the curtain.
“Todd! Todd, where did you put the girls?” Geoffrey yelled as he flew up the stairs.
“What are you talking about?” Todd yelled back. “You put ‘em down there. Did you lose ‘em?”
Geoffrey let out a string of curses. “Where’s the boy?”
“He’s in the suite, I didn’t know where else to put ‘em.”
The suite. Ashley didn’t know where that was but she was certain she could find it. How many could there be even on a boat this size? Ashley heard Geoffrey run down the stairs again. Before she could step from behind the curtain Geoffrey was back. Kyle must have been where he was left. “Where is that woman?” Geoffrey cursed again and spit on the hardwood floor. Ashley clung to the curtain and prayed it didn’t move. Why had she chosen to hide behind cloth?
Expecting Geoffrey to fling open the curtain at any moment, Ashley forced herself to stand perfectly still. Why couldn’t this have been a cruise ship? At least then there would have been more places to hide.
Ashley waited until she heard the sliding doors close. She peered out from the curtains again. Seeing no one she stepped on to the hard wood floors. When her sneakers squeaked she froze expecting Geoffrey to step back in at any moment. But there was no one so she continued down the stairs. She passed the kitchen on her right and a sectional leather couch on her left. The same hallway she had come through earlier was ahead of her with doors on all sides. Which one was the suite?
“Kyle? Kyle?” Ashley whispered as loudly as she could. She wished she could just burst through each door but she didn’t want to get noticed. “Kyle?”
She heard a muffled noise and then some bumping. She followed it to a door at the end of the hallway. She tried the door handle but it was locked. “Kyle, can you open the door? It’s Miss Ashley.”
Ashley jiggled the doorknob again then searched above her for some kind of key but found nothing. She quickly made her way back to the kitchen careful to walk softly. There on the counter sat a set of keys. She grabbed them and made her way back to the room. After what felt like an eternity she found a key that fit the door and opened it.
Kyle was alive.
But he was tied up. His arms were held by ropes to the head of the bed and his mouth was covered in duct tape. Ashley set about untangling him. Once free he stood to follow her. They were back in the hallway when she heard footsteps again.
“I knew I’d find you down here.” It was Geoffrey and he still had his gun. “Trying to save someone else?”
“Maybe I am.” Ashley was too angry to be stopped. She did not just come all the way down here to be killed by this man. Ashley held her hand up and pushed Geoffrey as hard as she could. Not expecting such a resistance Geoffrey lost his footing and fell back. Ashley grabbed Kyle’s hand and pulled him up the stairs. She knew Geoffrey wasn’t out and would be on her heels soon.
They were in the sunroom before Geoffrey started up the first stairs. “Come on Kyle.” Ashley pulled him across the sunroom and to the sliding glass doors. They were locked. She jiggled the doors to no avail.
Turning around she saw Geoffrey reaching the top of the stairs. He smiled and licked his lips. “Going somewhere?”
Ashley placed Kyle behind her and turned to face Geoffrey. Maybe he would be content with just killing her. “You don’t want to do this.”
“I don’t? But I think I do. Maybe I could break you in before we sell you to some people in Thailand. How about that?”
Ashley looked around the room. She didn’t see anything she could use against her attacker until her eyes landed on the bar next to one of the leather couches. A large ice bucket sat there as well as a vase. If Ashley could maneuver herself there she might be able to gain a small advantage.
Geoffrey laid his gun down and pulled a knife from his pocket. He waved it in front of Ashley’s face. “I think its time for me and you to have some fun. I’m not big into little girls but I could certainly have fun with a grown woman. And a pretty one at that.”
Geoffrey moved towards her but Ashley dodged him to the right landing on the couch. Geoffrey took this as invitation and sat next to her. He waved the knife in front of her nose. He moved his face closer to hers and she could smell alcohol on his breath. She leaned away from him. He followed her every move.
She leaned further away, reaching her arm out for the vase. Geoffrey didn’t seem to notice. He was too busy admiring her chest. Her fingertips just touched. Just a little further.
Her fingers wrapped around the vase. She lifted it off the bar and swung down on Geoffrey’s head as hard as she could. He dropped the knife.
Ashley jumped off the couch and grabbed the handgun off the bar. She held it towards Geoffrey. “You are not coming near us. Do you understand?”
Still holding his head where blood was beginning to trickle Geoffrey only smiled. “You don’t know how to use that thing.”
“Oh yea? Do you want to take that chance?” Ashley knew he was right. She had never held a gun in her life. But how hard could it be? She’d seen Nate use his a few times. She looked over the gun. It didn’t look like the safety was on. Geoffrey didn’t seem like the safe type anyway. She pulled back on the hammer.
Instead of aiming towards Geoffrey she pointed the gun towards the glass door and pulled the trigger. A loud bang filled the sunroom.
Geoffrey jumped at the noise. The glass began to splinter.
Ashley held the gun on Geoffrey again who this time didn’t argue. She moved the gun from Geoffrey and aimed at the door once again. Pulling the trigger one more time the glass shattered on impact. “Go Kyle, quickly. Into the water.”
Ashley knew Todd had to have heard the commotion and would be downstairs soon. Keeping the gun pointed at Geoffrey, Ashley followed Kyle out of the sunroom, to the edge of the yacht and into the water.
Being careful to hold the gun above the water Ashley and Kyle swam away from their captors, towards land and towards freedom.